
American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain
Documents, charters, and images of parchments from the Iberian Peninsula: 551-1418.
Arte de Bien Morir
The Castilian Arte de bien morir y breve confessionario (The Dying Well) is reproduced here as both the manuscript and transcription in modern print.
Centro de Documentacion Juan Alfonso de Baena
A center to provide researchers on the Spanish Medieval Literature (XV Century), especially on the cancioneros (songbooks) with a huge concentration of documents in different formats.
Columbus’ letter to the King and Queen of Spain
An English translation of this report sent by Christopher Columbus (probably in 1494) to the Spanish Monarchs.
Hispanomedievalismo: Recursos en línea (Filología)
Links for the academic research of the Hispanic medieval literatures and languages
Repertorio informatizzato dell’antica letteratura catalana
Il Rialc è un progetto promosso dal Ministero italiano dell’università e della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, in corso di realizzazione presso l’Università di Napoli Federico II con la collaborazione dell’Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona e dell’Unive

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